Resolution # 1: Get Off the Couch.
I wish I had trained for a marathon before I ever had a baby. I never imagined how difficult it would be physically to carry, birth and care for this little boy. The first six weeks of his life I didn’t sleep and feel like I never recovered! My neck hurts, my joints ache like an eighty year old woman’s, and my energy levels are at an all time low. I am so tired of feeling sick and tired. I have a new found respect for my mom and dad, who raised four children including one severely disabled autistic child. In fact, I sincerely look at every mother with a new sense of compassion and respect.
I don’t know how much of my extreme fatigue has to do with physical health and how much of it has to do with the demanding job of raising a rambunctious toddler, working on my Masters, taking care of a house and a husband, cooking for my family every night and working part time. On top of all of this, my child has had an ear infection for three months that won’t go away. Having a sick kid makes life a wee bit stressful sometimes. I went for a full physical in January, and my doctor says that I am actually quite healthy. I just feel lousy. I am sleeping poorly, I grind my teeth in my sleep, and I run out of steam very quickly.
As I mentioned in my very first post, I plan to break up my marathon into intermediary goals. The first goal is to run a 5k (approximately 3 miles) in about nine weeks time. I have signed up for the Gibson Guitar 5k in June. I am going to use the C25K application on my iphone to train for it. It is an awesome application. It is a nine week long, 3 times a week training program that promises to take you from the couch to a comfortable 5k. It plays your own music in the background and a soothing male voice tells you exactly when to warm up, run, walk and cool down. I went for my first run on Saturday, and needless to say I am in quite bad shape.
Resolution # 2: 30 day Shred
I will be alternating running days with Jillian Michael's 30 day shred video. I have done it in the past and it is quite effective. I have printed out a calendar for the next three months and I will sign off when I run C25K, and on days I do Jullian's workout on Mondays - Saturdays. It is an easy, effective way to stay organized and keep track of when I need to move on to the next level.
Resolution # 3: A little Yoga
I am MAJOR stress and anxiety issues. I am absolutely horrible at managing it. Just having a toddler with an ear infection sends me into a major tailspin. Yoga is known for it's stress reducing benefits, and should be a nice compliment to any other joint pounding exercise that I do. I did some tonight and I certainly felt much better afterwards. Yoga will be scheduled in every Sunday.
Resolution # 4: No alcohol till the Wedding Anniversary (May 24th) ...
...or caffeine, or sugar, or refined carbs. This one is probably going to be the toughest. I am not typically a fan of draconian diets, or broadcasting the fact to the world that I am on one. But I am doing this for good reason. I have felt so tired, and so ill lately, that I am quite desperate to do ANYTHING to feel good again. I can't give it my all as a mommy when I am not feeling myself. I think that no matter what your nutritional beliefs are, you can agree that cutting out/ reducing these four items in your diet won't hurt and might just benefit you a little. The wedding anniversary night, however, all bets are off. Oh yes, I will indulge in a little champagne and chocolate.
Resolution #5: Get edumacated
Subscribe to Runners World magazine, read other marathon blogs, read, read, read. I have no idea what training for a marathon entails and I need to learn pronto if I am going to make my goal in a year's time.
Resolution # 2: 30 day Shred
I will be alternating running days with Jillian Michael's 30 day shred video. I have done it in the past and it is quite effective. I have printed out a calendar for the next three months and I will sign off when I run C25K, and on days I do Jullian's workout on Mondays - Saturdays. It is an easy, effective way to stay organized and keep track of when I need to move on to the next level.
Resolution # 3: A little Yoga
I am MAJOR stress and anxiety issues. I am absolutely horrible at managing it. Just having a toddler with an ear infection sends me into a major tailspin. Yoga is known for it's stress reducing benefits, and should be a nice compliment to any other joint pounding exercise that I do. I did some tonight and I certainly felt much better afterwards. Yoga will be scheduled in every Sunday.
Resolution # 4: No alcohol till the Wedding Anniversary (May 24th) ...
...or caffeine, or sugar, or refined carbs. This one is probably going to be the toughest. I am not typically a fan of draconian diets, or broadcasting the fact to the world that I am on one. But I am doing this for good reason. I have felt so tired, and so ill lately, that I am quite desperate to do ANYTHING to feel good again. I can't give it my all as a mommy when I am not feeling myself. I think that no matter what your nutritional beliefs are, you can agree that cutting out/ reducing these four items in your diet won't hurt and might just benefit you a little. The wedding anniversary night, however, all bets are off. Oh yes, I will indulge in a little champagne and chocolate.
Resolution #5: Get edumacated
Subscribe to Runners World magazine, read other marathon blogs, read, read, read. I have no idea what training for a marathon entails and I need to learn pronto if I am going to make my goal in a year's time.
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